things you find on the internet, take 783

783 is not a real number. I am sure I have found more than a billion random things on the internet. Sometimes, I just like inventing statistics and facts.

Like say:

Did you know that 70% of the time, StumbleUpon presents you with things you absolutely do not care about? 

See that? I totally just made that up.

However, this is one of the other 30% of times.

Without further ado, tonight, the internet brings us this gem:

Often, there are no sources for things on the internet. Stealing, or cultural re-appropriation? You decide.

Noteable things about this random image:

1. By my best guesses, it was more than likely used in the 1950s/1960s for advertising of some variant.

2. It has currently been turned meme via cultural re-appropriation of the internet generation. And yes, I am making an argument here, that memes are cultural re-appropriations. I will explain further, later.

3. The source:
A blog, called ‘Guys with Brains.’ I especially enjoy the first post currently up – Kids Today. So true.

4. They are wearing matching aprons. Besides sending shivers down my spine, that’s very quaint. Kitsch. 1950s. Sally Homemaker. That’s very… STEREOTYPICAL.

5. Satan – they brought god into it. God? That’s supposed to be capitalized, isn’t it? I’m a heathen. Shoot me.

6. Women make dinner. Women make dinner while dressed in their Sunday best. Women teach their daughters to make dinner. Women teach their daughters to make dinner dressed in Sunday best. Where is the man with the martini, with his feet, in house slippers, up on an ottoman?

7. Is it just me (it very well could be), or does this ‘statement’ read with a healthy helping of sarcasm? Perhaps it is just my hopes that it reads with sarcasm, because if this is how somehow thinks. Well. Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!

8. Who caught that last reference? High five if you did. That reference is laden with meaning.

9. I wish I knew what this once advertised.

10. The entry is called “Psssh Woman!” There is one comment. I agree with it.